Law Offices of John Michael Jensen
Art & Artist Law
John Michael Jensen represents individual artists, trustees of non-profits, collectors, and creators of all kinds in legal matters.

John Jensen has advised clients on a broad range of legal issues involving art and art law matters.
Art Law In California
Art law in California encompasses a wide array of legal issues that arise in the creation, ownership, sale, distribution, and exhibition of art. It is a specialized field that intersects with various areas of law, including intellectual property, contract, torts, tax, estate planning, and international law.
Here’s an overview of what art law can involve, along with examples of legal issues that an artist or gallery might face:
- Intellectual Property Rights:
- Copyright: Artists hold copyright over their original works of art, and disputes can arise over unauthorized reproductions or derivative works. For instance, an artist might sue a company for using their artwork in advertising without permission.
- Trademarks: The branding of an artist or gallery can be protected under trademark law. Legal issues might involve the unauthorized use of an artist’s name or gallery brand.
- Moral Rights: Under the Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA) and California Resale Royalty Act, artists have certain moral rights, including the right to claim authorship and to prevent the distortion of their work.
- Contracts and Business Transactions:
- Sale and Consignment Agreements: Disputes can arise over the terms of contracts for the sale or consignment of artwork. A gallery might be sued for not paying the artist the agreed-upon share after a sale.
- Commissioned Works: Issues can crop up regarding the scope of work, delivery, payment, and ownership of commissioned pieces.
- Licensing Agreements: Artists license their works for reproduction or use, and conflicts may arise concerning the scope and terms of the license.
- Authenticity and Provenance:
- Authentication Disputes: The authenticity of a piece of art can be contentious, with buyers or experts challenging whether a work is genuinely by the artist claimed.
- Provenance Issues: Problems can also arise regarding the history of ownership of artwork, especially if there are gaps or uncertainties that affect the work’s value or title.
- Cultural Property and Repatriation:
- Claims may be made against a gallery or collector for the return of art that is considered stolen or illegally exported from its country of origin.
- Restitution and Recovery:
- Artworks looted during conflicts or stolen may lead to legal actions for their return. California has seen cases involving art restitution, particularly relating to art looted during World War II.
- Art Financing and Security Interests:
- Legal issues can involve secured transactions where art is used as collateral. Artists or galleries might face disputes over the terms and enforcement of security interests.
- Insurance and Liability:
- Disputes over insurance claims for damaged or lost artwork are common. Galleries might also face liability issues if artwork is damaged while in their care.
- Tax and Estate Planning:
- Tax implications of selling art can be complex, including sales tax, use tax, and income tax considerations.
- Estate issues arise when an artist passes away, involving the valuation of the artwork and rights of inheritance.
- Zoning and Land Use:
- Galleries and art installations may face legal issues related to zoning ordinances and land use regulations.
- First Amendment Issues:
- Art that is considered controversial may raise First Amendment issues regarding freedom of expression versus community standards.
Examples of Art Law Problems
Examples of Legal Problems:
- An artist might sue a gallery for copyright infringement if the gallery reproduces the artist’s work without permission.
- A gallery might face a lawsuit if it sells a work that turns out to be a forgery, thus implicating issues of authenticity and potential misrepresentation.
- An artist may be involved in a legal dispute if a commissioned public artwork is altered or destroyed by the commissioning party, raising issues of moral rights.
- An artist’s estate might have to navigate complex legal and tax issues concerning the valuation and distribution of the artist’s works after their death.
Art law in California is particularly important given the state’s thriving art market and the presence of numerous artists and galleries. Legal professionals specializing in art law must be well-versed not only in the legal aspects but also in the art market and the practical realities of the art world.
Wills, Trust, Estates, Planning: Common Art Law Issues
Art law issues related to estates and estate planning are multifaceted and can significantly affect the management and disposition of an artist’s legacy. Here are some common issues:
- Valuation of Artwork:
- Determining the fair market value of art can be challenging and is essential for estate tax purposes, sales, and distribution to heirs.
- Estate Tax Implications:
- High-value art collections can significantly impact estate tax liability. Planning often involves legal strategies to minimize estate taxes, such as creating a charitable remainder trust or donating to a museum.
- Copyright Transfer and Management:
- The artist’s copyright can be transferred to heirs or designated beneficiaries, and plans must be made for the management of these rights, which can last for the life of the artist plus 70 years after death.
- Resale Rights:
- In some jurisdictions, artists have resale rights that allow them to receive a percentage of the sale price each time their work is resold; these rights can be passed on to heirs.
- Authentication and Cataloging:
- Preparing a catalog raisonné and establishing a process for authenticating works can protect the artist’s legacy and prevent future disputes.
- Archiving and Preservation:
- Establishing instructions and funding for the archiving and preservation of artwork is a crucial aspect of estate planning for artists.
- Succession Planning for the Artist’s Studio:
- Artists need to plan for the succession of their studio and what will happen to unsold and unfinished works.
- Distribution Plans:
- Providing clear instructions on how the artist’s works should be distributed among heirs can prevent disputes.
- Creating Foundations or Trusts:
- Artists may establish foundations or trusts to manage their artwork, provide for philanthropic goals, and maintain their legacy.
- Moral Rights:
- Planning for the protection of moral rights, such as the right to attribution and integrity, which in some jurisdictions can be enforced by the artist’s heirs.
- Licensing and Royalty Arrangements:
- Arrangements for licensing the artist’s work and managing royalties may need to be addressed in the estate planning process.
- Debt Repayment:
- Ensuring that any debt secured by artworks is properly addressed to avoid forced sales under unfavorable conditions.
- Instructions for Posthumous Works:
- Some artists leave instructions for the completion or destruction of unfinished works after their death.
- Gifts and Loans to Museums and Institutions:
- Planning for long-term loans or gifts to museums and other institutions, which can have tax implications and affect the artist’s legacy.
- International Issues:
- For artists with international recognition, cross-border estate planning can be complex, involving multiple jurisdictions with different laws regarding art and inheritance.
Given the value and unique nature of art, estate planning for artists and collectors requires a tailored approach that often involves a team of professionals, including attorneys, tax advisors, appraisers, and art advisors, to navigate the intricacies of art law and ensure the artist’s legacy is preserved and protected.